Istar the Humpback Whale

Her Story

istar humpback whale fluke
Istar’s fluke

Istar is a fantastic mother.  She has more calves than any other known humpback whale.  Every two or three years she brings a new calf back to the same feeding grounds she has frequented since 1976.









istar humpback whale with calf
Istar’s calf stays close to Mom

With eleven known calves and eight grandcalves, she was appropriately named for the Egyptian Goddess Istar – the Goddess of Fertility!  Can you see her calf in the picture?

Istar is an adoption whale at Whale and Dolphin Conservation UK

Istar’s History

Mother:               Unknown First Sighting:   1976
Year Of Birth:   Unknown Last Seen:           2006

Istar’s Family Tree

Calves Year of Birth Grandcalves
Cloud 1977 Scylla is the mother of eight calves
Littlespot 1979 Tatter
Scylla 1981 Bola
Tigris 1984 Impala
Eradanus 1986 “64”
Unnamed 1988 Glostick
Unnamed 1989 Messina
Unnamed 1991 Pixar
Dextra 1995 Darjeeling
Unnamed 2000
Unnamed 2004

Two of Istar’s Calves

littlespot humpback whale
Littlespot is one of Istar’s calves
scylla humpback whale fluke
Scylla, a calf of Istar was born in 1981

New:  Istar on DVD reg $25.00

On sale now $18.99

If you adopted Istar from any of the Adopt A Whale Programs in the US or UK, you can meet her!

You will be delighted to spend 19 minutes watching Istar with one of her eleven calves.  You see Istar’s tail pattern many times with the calf tucked in very close.  The calf breaches completely out of the water and then begins flippering.

A sample clip from the Istar DVD

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